(This post contains affiliate links) We put together a “what we use” when we have a cold/flu in our house video yesterday. Will be doing a series of posts highlighting our favorite things this week. But if you prefer video you can follow along on our IG stories! @carissagobble
We got “C” for second time in past two years last week and had so many more tools this time! My husband who had fatigue worse the first time had dramatically different better energy this time while the rest of us who were almost non symptomatic the first time almost all got a fever this time (minus Ezelle and Judah almost symptom free entirely) I get the baby because he’s got breast milk! Ezelle was interesting because typically she’s my child that gets hit with things stronger but she was almost symptom free
Who’s ready for this series…

Part 1: Throat Sprays
At the first sight of of any sore throat or congestion we start with these. Essential Oils and herbal combo throat sprays.
Throat & Glad for throat stuff and lymphatic stuff.
S-Clear for sinus congestion.
They have a strong taste you spray it in the back of your throat and swallow.
We also use these during colds/flus to help clear sinuses and relieve sore throats.
These are new herbal tools we have on hand and we’ve found them helpful!
Note they have different branding labels than these ones now.
*again I am not a physician be sure to check with your primary care provider before making any supplement changes/additions*