I have felt betrayed by community on more than one occasion in my short life. But life was meant to be lived in community. This awesome group is just a part of mine but a big part of it.
There’s actually 4 of us Third Culture Kids(TCKs) in this group alone! Plus a green card holder (soon to be citizen). We are more diverse in experience, age, and political views than I originally realized. There is so much beauty in how we are working to look more and more like family.
What does it look like to live in community?
To feel the freedom to voice our struggles?
To share our unique perspectives?
To talk about the hard overlooked things in this world that the media doesn’t get to?
To develop our sense of “who am I” or “how do I fit” whether we are 3 or we are 69.
We are all on this journey of life together. And these people may wander in and out of my life in the future but I would miss out on so much messy fantastic wonderful life lived to the full if I didn’t try to make connections. To open the door to my heart to those around me and risk being misunderstood.
I love that in the risk taking you find the reward. You find moments that encourage you to keep moving forward and you find moments when you can encourage another. And then your struggles become purposeful, your pain a powerful catalyst of connection and a stepping stone to your destiny.