Azure Standard vs Thrive Market Organic health food delivery comparison.
Shopping for organic non GMO
food especially as a plant based family that’s growing can be tricky. We love Trader Joe’s and they carry some great stuff just not a ton of organic produce and smaller portions.
Costco is great for bulk but not very many plant based options and toxin free stuff. Plus membership fee.
Enter Thrive Market
PROs: - Great for smaller families that need specialized meal options (Keto, Vegan, Organic) - ease to shop app - comparable pricing to Whole Foods/new seasons - time saver you don’t have to go to store CONs: - membership fee - no produce, refrigerated items - smaller portions (if you’re a bigger family) Thrive Link: http://thrv.me/tAT3ys
Enter Azure Standard
PROs: - bulk options - no membership fee - pick up at drop site or shipping - frozen, refrigerated, dry, and produce CONs: - things come in and out of stock - smaller portions more pricey - produce available mostly by the season Azure Link: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=9f1bb2c3c0
Have you tried Thrive or Azure? Which one do you like?
We are picking up an Azure standard order later today would you be interested in a live unboxing of the order?
We still do Trader Joe’s weekly but are really loving how well azure filters brands and has similar values as us when it comes to food. Takes a lot of guess work out of things. (I still have higher standards on personal care products) Thrive was too small of portions to make it worth while for our family but would be great for those that need to shop gluten free or specialty diets with a smaller family to feed.