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Carissa Gobble
Jul 2, 20233 min read
When you finally tell somebody...
Bali, Indonesia 2008- My avocado smoothie arrived, “terima kasih” I responded shocking the waiter by using their language despite my...

Carissa Gobble
Mar 17, 20232 min read
One Choice
One choice in one moment can shift the entire direction of your life…or the lives around you. One choice. These past two weeks I’ve been...

Carissa Gobble
Apr 8, 20221 min read
Navigating Triggering Experiences
It hit me like a wall the other day. A trigger like thought. Spurred on by a familiar situation happening hours prior. “Wow. That really...

Carissa Gobble
Dec 6, 20201 min read
Year Anniversary Of Facing Trauma
It’s been one year. One year since I did one of the scariest things of my life. So scary that a year ago in December I actually lost 5lbs...

Carissa Gobble
Oct 9, 20201 min read
A Waterfall That Cascades Over Doubt
You can rant as much as you want but the truth is still there. It wins your heart every time. You are mine and I am yours. Always have...

Carissa Gobble
Aug 16, 20201 min read
A Year of Transformation
This was my 4th year as the coordinator of this yearly event even though I’ve participated for 10 years in various capacities. There...

Carissa Gobble
Aug 2, 20201 min read
Restoration of The Lost Things
What if things you lost could be restored? Things you never dreamed possible became reality. And heartache and pain of the past make way...

Carissa Gobble
Jul 8, 20202 min read
Grief Means It Meant Something
“Part of the reason women are so tired is because we are spending so much energy trying to ‘keep it together’. So much energy devoted to...

Carissa Gobble
Jul 6, 20202 min read
Healing Milestone!
When you realize you just went through one of those weeks which should’ve felt overwhelming and defeating and emotionally draining from...

Carissa Gobble
Jun 11, 20202 min read
Internal Isolation: A Coping Habit
Isolation.... Emotional Mental. Physical. Social.... There’s lots of forms. There’s the, act like everything’s fine, while you meltdown...

Carissa Gobble
May 29, 20202 min read
My Faith: It's Experiential
My faith. It’s not something I talk about online often, much like other hot button topics it’s just a recipe for division and unfruitful...

Carissa Gobble
May 23, 20201 min read
What if the World Needs YOU!
What If.... What if you were uniquely intentionally designed to bring an expression of love to this world that could only be expressed by...

Carissa Gobble
Mar 9, 20201 min read
Hope After Fear
The seas connect us all. Not just all of the spread out continents but just the fact they are made up of water, our physical bodies’...

Carissa Gobble
Feb 26, 20201 min read
Rocky Terrain of Trauma Triggers
It’s hard. Like trying to navigate rocky terrain. Get off balance and you can have a nasty fall. Processing trauma can be like that. It...

Carissa Gobble
Jan 19, 20201 min read
You Get A CHOICE In Healing Trauma
What’s beautiful is that with the trauma healing process YOU GET A CHOICE. You didn’t really have choices in the trauma that occurred but...

Carissa Gobble
Dec 29, 20191 min read
Memories & Your Worth
Sometimes there are memories we unintentionally hold on to to give us a source of worth. A source we really don’t need anymore. Because...

Carissa Gobble
Dec 8, 20191 min read
Rewriting The Trauma Narrative - Part 2
For those that have ever worked through a fear so strong you loose sleep, your appetite, your ability to make eye contact, and are...

Carissa Gobble
Dec 5, 20191 min read
Rewriting The Trauma Narrative - Part 1
When you live through a trauma that isn’t fully validated or your side of the story isn’t fully believed and you’re more the bystander...

Carissa Gobble
Dec 2, 20191 min read
Time for Weeping Time For Rejoicing
Who else gets frustrated with the journey! I love me a good truth to replace a limiting belief. But there’s some experiences in life that...

Carissa Gobble
Nov 16, 20191 min read
The Power of Community
I have felt betrayed by community on more than one occasion in my short life. But life was meant to be lived in community. This awesome...
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